Monday, February 9, 2009

The Saga Continues with Chris Brown and Rihanna....

The saga continues with Chris Brown and Rihanna.
RadarOnline reports:
A source inside Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles has confirmed exclusively to that pop star Rihanna was in fact treated there for injuries…

“It was some time after 12PM PST [Sunday] and I had been waiting in the ER department corridor when Rihanna was brought through the back entrance on a gurney, flanked by two LAPD officers. It was impossible to know it was her at first because when they wheeled her past me, she had the hood on her fuchsia-colored sweatshirt tightly drawn round her face and she was wearing big brown sunglasses. They took her into room 14 which was opposite me. It had a six-foot glass door but the nurses drew a privacy curtain around it.”
More after the jump….
“I knew the person was famous because of all the attention she was being given by security and medical staff. However, they didn’t draw the curtain all the time and I was finally able to make out that the woman they had brought in was Rihanna. She was lying in bed. While the two police officers waited outside, Rihanna was seen by the doctor. When he left, a plain clothes officer in a mismatched suit went in.I figured he was a detective because I saw the handcuffs in his belt. He stayed in there for about an hour.”
“When he left, Rihanna’s two female assistants went in to see her and a private security guard stood outside. The police officers were given room 10 to use which was close to Rihanna’s. “Rihanna was clearly very upset by what had happened and I could hear her screaming. Rihanna was trying to get her point across about something, she sounded like she was crying as she tried to get to put her point across.“
“Her staff was also very shaken by what had happened. Later on I saw one of the assistants crying into the shoulder of the security guard.
And lastly…
Miss Info has also reported that "Wrigley" has suspended the Doublemint campaign.

NEW NEWS: ILLSEED/AllHipHop has reported:
"Chris and Rihanna actually broke up a few days ago, but the reps from each side wanted them to pretend to be together. This would be a win/win in the media and publicity department. They kept it civil for the pre-Grammy Parties and all the meet and greets. Here is where the meeting and greeting may have gone wrong.

According to my slimies, Chris met some girl and he commences to kick game to the girl. He allegedly gets her number and kicks it with the chick’s team. Now, according to rumor, these chicks were told to follow him to a party of some sort. I’m gathering Ri Ri was right there when this took place and she was NOT pleased to see this go down. Well, they go at it verbally – back and forth. Nobody knows if the alleged attack took place at this time or later. The Lambo with Chris and RiRi supposedly pulls over and things spill out on the side of the road. My source said, “All hell broke loose” at this point.

Meanwhile, the girls following are still there in their car. Now, I said this once and I’ll say it again. This is all speculation from sources that claim to know. Here we go. Rihanna gets out of the car visibly bruised up, but takes her rage to the girl that Chris was kicking it to. Well, at some point, somebody catches Rihanna in the EYE. My source honestly couldn’t tell me if it was Chris or somebody else like the girl. Nevertheless, this goes back to my rumor where Rihanna likely has a BLACK EYE (read here for that).

This is the alleged story, y’all from a source so close…I can’t even say any more. "

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